Urban Leadership for Diversity.This leadership development course is aimed at Heads and Senior leaders and prepares colleagues for leading schools in challenging circumstances and utilising diversity as social capital.
Leadership of Ethnic Minority Achievement.This course is aimed at colleagues with lead responsibility for raising the attainment of ethnic minority pupils. It enables colleagues to gain a sound understanding of the issues and equips them with the strategies to successfully to improve outcomes for minority ethnic pupils in their schools.
Leadership for Closing the Gaps for pupils eligible for Free Schools Meals. This course is aimed at colleagues with lead responsibility for closing the free school meals gaps. It enables colleagues to gain a sound understanding of the issues facing pupils who are eligible for free school meals as well as equips them with the practical strategies used by outstanding schools who have successfully improved outcomes for these pupils.
Accelerating outcomes for pupils for whom English as an additional language. This course is aimed at lead colleagues with responsibility for EAL pupils. It enables colleagues to gain a sound understanding of the diverse needs of EAL pupils from new arrivals to more advanced bilingual learners. It will also equip course participants with the used by outstanding schools in accelerating outcomes for EAL pupils so that they attain according to national age related expectations.
Leading a culturally diverse curriculum. This course is aimed at curriculum leads. It will enable lead colleagues to match the curriculum to the needs of the pupil and community it serves. This rich, culturally relevant curriculum will lead to active engagement of target groups of pupils, as well as preparing all pupils for living in a diverse society. It will also enable schools to actively engage parents and carers of pupils. The course will be delivered by exemplifying how the curriculum can be tailored to meet the particular needs of a group of pupils. The strategies used for this group will enable course participants to transfer this learning to other groups too. The main focus will be on literacy and numeracy but will also cover other cross – curricular areas .
Meeting the needs of minority ethnic pupils in mainly white schools.This course is aimed at senior leaders in mainly white schools who do not have much experience of teaching minority ethnic pupils in their schools. The course will highlight some of the “hidden issues” minority ethnic pupils may face, as well as enabling participants to make changes and adaptations to their provision and practice so that their school is more responsive to minority ethnic pupils.
SEN or EAL or could it be both? This course is targeted at SENCO’s or EAL co-ordinators who may have concerns about whether certain pupils have SEN needs or EAL needs or perhaps both. It will enable course participants to gain a sound understanding of the differences between SEN and EAL, as well as consider overlaps where they exist. It will provide the participants with the tools to correctly diagnose issues and then to provide effective strategies to address the issues rather than inaccurately labelling pupils.
Meeting the specific needs of Roma pupils in schools. This course is targeted at Senior Leaders in schools with responsibility for ensuring that whole school practice and provision enables effective learning of Roma pupils to take place. It will enable course participants to gain a firm understanding of the issues facing Roma pupils and their communities. It will enable schools to develop proactive strategies for the induction, assessment and attendance of Roma pupils and to match specific interventions to meet their needs.
Supporting Asylum Seeker & Refugee pupils in schools. This course is targeted at Senior Leaders in schools. It will enable course participants to meet the specific needs of Asylum Seeker and Refugee pupils in their schools by providing an opportunity for them to reflect upon and evaluate the present provision in their schools. It will cover areas such as as the psychological, social and cultural factors which may impact on Asylum Seeker and Refugee pupils and how schools can support pupils in building resilience. It will also guide Senior Leaders on how they can build an inclusive environment and ethos in school and highlight key practical teaching and learning strategies to support the achievement and progress of Asylum Seeker and Refugee pupils.
We have further detailed information on each of the training courses outlined above. Please e-mail us on [email protected] for a copy of the training courses you are interested in.
The above are examples of the Leadership & Management courses we deliver. If you have any particular training needs that are not outlined above, please feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements.