Our Mission
“To work in partnership with you to transform the lives of children and young people by closing the achievement and attainment gaps that currently exist for different groups of pupils”*
Our Values
We understand the important role that you play in making a significant difference to the lives of children and young people on a daily basis. We aim to develop capacity within your school to meet the needs of different groups of pupils in a sustainable way. We do this by using coaching as an integral way of delivering our service to you.
We firmly believe that all children and young pupils can and will succeed in school. We passionately believe that education plays a powerful and transformative role in improving life chances. We aim to work with you to remove any barriers that get in the way of pupils achieving an outstanding education. As such, our main purpose is to focus on closing the gaps in achievement and attainment that may exist for different groups of pupils in your school.
We strive to be outstanding in the service we deliver to you. We aim to work in partnership with members of your school community, so that the pursuit of excellence and consistently high expectations of adults and children and young people are the norm.
We will donate 5% of our net profits to charity on an annual basis, so that disadvantaged children and young people overseas can access education.
* By “different groups of pupils” we are using the Ofsted term to refer to the following pupils:
Those with protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010- e.g. Pupils with protected characteristics and other groups of pupils may include: pupils for whom English is an additional language; minority ethnic pupils; Gypsy Roma and Traveller children; young carers, and other vulnerable groups. Pupils for whom the pupil premium provides support including: looked after children, pupils known to be eligible for free school meals.
“To work in partnership with you to transform the lives of children and young people by closing the achievement and attainment gaps that currently exist for different groups of pupils”*
Our Values
We understand the important role that you play in making a significant difference to the lives of children and young people on a daily basis. We aim to develop capacity within your school to meet the needs of different groups of pupils in a sustainable way. We do this by using coaching as an integral way of delivering our service to you.
We firmly believe that all children and young pupils can and will succeed in school. We passionately believe that education plays a powerful and transformative role in improving life chances. We aim to work with you to remove any barriers that get in the way of pupils achieving an outstanding education. As such, our main purpose is to focus on closing the gaps in achievement and attainment that may exist for different groups of pupils in your school.
We strive to be outstanding in the service we deliver to you. We aim to work in partnership with members of your school community, so that the pursuit of excellence and consistently high expectations of adults and children and young people are the norm.
We will donate 5% of our net profits to charity on an annual basis, so that disadvantaged children and young people overseas can access education.
* By “different groups of pupils” we are using the Ofsted term to refer to the following pupils:
Those with protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010- e.g. Pupils with protected characteristics and other groups of pupils may include: pupils for whom English is an additional language; minority ethnic pupils; Gypsy Roma and Traveller children; young carers, and other vulnerable groups. Pupils for whom the pupil premium provides support including: looked after children, pupils known to be eligible for free school meals.